Service Overview

Our Supported Living services are tailored to empower individuals to live independently while managing their tenancies, with personalised care designed around their unique needs and aspirations. We prioritise choice and independence, offering support to adults with mental health challenges, dementia, post-hospital recovery needs, and other complex care requirements.

We create a calm and therapeutic environment, fostering a safe space for adults with learning difficulties and providing essential support for those transitioning from secure units back into the community.

With a strong focus on recovery, self-reliance, and personal growth, our services are designed to help individuals achieve their goals. Through our outcome-driven approach, we support service users in securing their own tenancies with minimal assistance, empowering them to live fulfilling and independent lives within their communities.

Supported Living for Adults with Metal Health

  • Tailored Support: Delivering personalised care plans designed to enhance independence and improve overall quality of life.
  • 24-Hour Staff Presence: Ensuring continuous care and support with dedicated staff available around the clock.
  • Nurturing Environments: Providing accommodations for up to three service users, fostering a sense of community while maintaining a high level of individualised attention.
  • Customised Observation Levels: Offering tailored observation ratios (e.g., 1:1, 2:1) to meet the specific needs of each individual, ensuring safety and support at all times.

Recovery and Outcome-Based Support:

  • Focusing on measurable progress and recovery goals. Supporting individuals regain skills and confidence to live more independently through their personal recovery journey, whether that’s improving mental health, learning new skills, or building better relationships.
  • Setting clear, measurable goals for each person and working towards achieving those goals. From finding a job, learning to cook, or managing their own finances. Tracking progress and celebrating successes along the way.

Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Collaborating with selected partners and providers for specialised therapeutic services.
  • Person-Centered, Empowering Approach: Emphasising individual strengths and preferences in all aspects of care.
  • Positive Behavior Support: Implementing strategies to promote positive behaviors and reduce challenging ones.
  • Pathways to Independent Tenancies: Supporting transitions to independent living where appropriate.
  • Life Skills Training: Providing training to enhance daily living skills and independence.
  • Social and Community Integration: Encouraging active participation in social and community activities.
  • Sensitive Service User Mix: Considering gender, age, and risk profiles to ensure a harmonious living environment.
  • Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle: Encouraging healthy living practices and wellness.